The 15th snuck up very quickly! How many times do I utter in a week "where does the time go?" So here I am... ready to begin verse 2. And then... PANIC! I had picked my 2nd verse during a noon time devotion last week! I wrote the verse down on a sticky not and placed it on the calendar. My calendar at the office.... did I tell you that when it came time to post my verse at LPM and write the verse in my spiral that I was home??? The sticky note was at the office. I was a bit upset as the verse was perfect, and of course I didn't recall the specific verse because I hadn't memorized the verse. All I remembered was that it was from Isaiah. Isaiah! Trying to find that verse would almost be like searching for the needle in the proverbial haystack. So I prayed... I read other verses... and I thought about what I need to have the Lord say to me at this time, place and moment! So here it is... Verse 2!
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.
~ Joshua 1:9 NIV
January/February are always tough months for me. Not only is our business down, but Satan tries his schemes to raise that anxiety level about money, being self-employed etc. I worry... I worry too much. I am afraid... frankly there are days that I feel terrified! This verse will remind me that the Lord never leaves my side. Oh forgive me Lord when I rely on my own strength to get through these tough times!!!
I am praying for all my Siestas who are journeying through scripture memory this year. God willing I will be able to join the Siestas next January!
Be strong and courageous dear ones... HE is with you!
I made it a little bit easier on myself this time round as I'm memorizing the first chapter of James...I should always be able to find my verse!
My daughters are also participating and we hope to go to Houston as your verse this time...I do think worry is something that plagues women in particular and its a constant battle to keep it at bay. I have memorized many scriptures on this particular topic and when I feel worry creeping in I start reeling them off. It really does help remind me that God is in control, not me (Thank Goodness!)
Have a nice week!
Kristen, how I claim this verse many times over - thank you for your reminder when I read your blog
I love your heart for OUR God!
Enjoy the day-
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