Those words for some reason seem to ring a holiday bell in my ear. However, it's not November or December... it's summer! It's that time of year that my world seems to overflow with outdoor activities, cook-outs, cycling, swimming parties, work... some fun, some not so fun. So many times I have wanted to sit down and blog... Something would hit me in worship, God would reveal something to me and once again would show me how awesome He is. Sometimes it's just been a longing to sit down and share my day with you. However, with summer comes a busier real estate season, and we are being blessed abundantly at this time with work that is keeping us busy. Also, we pick up our outdoor cycling season and that takes a lot of time in the evenings and on Saturday mornings. I am grateful for my health and the stamina God has given me to improve this year on the bike. It's been fun, but hard! Kind of like life huh? So many things have kept me away from blogland. But please know that many of you are so near to my heart and I still have many of your prayer requests in my jouranl and are still praying over them.
As of today, I am finishing up one Bible study ~ Stepping Up, A Journey through the Psalms of Ascent ~ Believe me... God has spoken a Word to me in this study. If you only new how many times I wanted to sit down at my laptop and share with you all! Not only have I been doing the Bible study, but also have been facilitating the study. Leading always seems to take a bit more time to prepeare. This is our group's last week for Stepping Up. I have to tell you, I will treasure this portion of Psalms forever. Already I have been able to apply what I have been learning. I am eager to learn more about the Feasts! It's been a real hoot watching the men in our group react to Beth Moore during the video sessions of the study.
Last week our summer ladies group at church started Esther ~ It's Tough Being a Woman. So, I have been busy each day completing not one, but two different studies. How come the ladies group didn't realize I was just finishing up a small group study of my own? (I type that with a grin - I know the world doesn't revolve around me) Now, I know some of you have completed the study of Esther. I am sure you will agree with me when I say this study is awesome! I have only completed one week... and after the first few verses in the book of Esther I was hooked! What a journey this will be. I had a hard time disciplining myself to not move forward to quickly and do all the work in a few days. Fascinating! A word I would use to describe the book thus far! I hope if you have not done the study of Esther that you certainly consider doing so... Girls, God's richness is all over this one!
So you can see... life has become very busy for the Schwarks. Work, play, summer fun, God's Word... seems to keep me away from blogland. I know I have been able to keep up w/ some of you via Facebook... but FB certainly doesn't pour out our hearts like our blog posts. I certainly miss the rich blessings I recieve when I read and respond to your blogs. I have missed visiting w/ all of you and will visit your blogs as time permits. I know once fall rolls around I will have more time. I like to think that God is purposely keeping me away from blogging too much for a reason. I don't know what that might be, but I trust Him and will respond to His prompting when it's time to visit more often. Who knows... that time might happen this week, or it might happen once the dog days of summer and the sweltering heat keep me inside more often!
I love you my blogland friends. I missed you tremendously. I look forward to catching up and reading as time permits. I long for the fall and winter days when I can spend more time reading... until then my prayers continue!
Much Love,