Memorial Day Weekend seems to be the Official Kick-off to Summer... even though summer begins in June. So does that make Memorial Weekend the Unofficial Kick-off to summer? Hmmmm...
In Indianapolis the month of May is obviously an exciting time as the Indy 500 is on the Sunday of Memorial Weekend. (unless it's rained out & then it's on Memorial Day) :) Cookouts, pool parties, yard work... summer activities are in full swing. I have to say after a very cold, snowy, icy winter and a very rainy, wet, temps all over the board spring, I'm ready for some good ole summertime fun.
As I reflect back on the last few days I have to say it was one of the most wonderful Memorial Weekends. Our cycling team's annual Memorial Weekend ride brought out 40 of our cycling pals to ride. Yard work, grad open houses, a cookout to celebrate one of my good friend's birthday, more yard work, garden work & then a cookout/pool party with some of our dearest friends yesterday afternoon/evening. As we were heading out the door to drive home last night, several of us we discussing that we hope the summer doesn't just fly by! I can't believe we will be turning the calendar to the 6th month of the year tomorrow. Mercy where has 2011 gone?
So the rough winter and wet spring took it's toll on our largest hosta bed. We lost all but our "blue hostas". The wet spring prevented us from doing much work until 2 weeks ago. I weeded, cut branches, cleared out... ugggh! I've included a photo of my work... on that particular day Jim played golf & I, well you can see what I was up to in the photo below:
Did I mention this part of summertime fun included a mild case of poison ivy? Grrrrr!
After weeding and dividing hostas from other beds & hosta beds at Jim's sister's home... things began to look a bit better as you can see in the pic below. This hosta garden has been a big part of our landscape for over 18 years, so we were sad when we lost so many plants. Especially one of Jim's favs...
I wish I had a better camera so I could get the entire bed in the shot. This bed runs just about the entire length of our drive.
Memorial Weekend always brings the worst of my allergy suffering. The Cottonwoods are blooming - some areas the white fuzzies almost look like snow floating through the air. And the pollen from our two pecan trees wreck havoc on my allergies. My allergy meds don't seem to help much, and my neti pot goes into full use! Because they were bad over the weekend, I am electing to stay off the bike tonight and workout at the Y. Wahhhh! Can you hear me crying? I will hit the road tomorrow!
We did get a lot of our veggie garden put in yesterday. FINALLY! We had it all worked up and then the rains came, AGAIN! Too much rain. This is the absolute latest we've ever put the garden in! We missed all the spring/cool weather veggies. We will have to plant in the fall. Tomatoes, potatoes, brussels sprouts & onions are in. I am going to plant Swiss Chard in one of our flower beds. Should be interesting.
So what are your plans for this summer? Travelling? Staying home? One of our local Television stations puts together links to what they call "One Tank Getaways". Since gas is so high, I know a lot of folks aren't taking big vacations this is a neat idea if you want to get away, but don't want to spend a lot of cash!
We have been blessed with a good spring in our business life. It looks to be a good summer for us as well. God provides... I know we have a long way to go before our economy & the housing market rebounds... but yes... God provides! God is still on His throne and He is in the midst of this comforting, guiding and yes... providing.
I do hope I can be more consistent with my blogging. I remember when I first started and was a part of such a wonderful community of blogland sisters! I certainly miss all of you! Perhaps I need to start a summer meme?
Enjoy your day! Much Love!
I really like the thought of one tank get aways.
How many miles did you ride over the long weekend?
So good to se a post from you! Love getting an update on you. I'm enjoying time with my kiddos.... and getting in exercise based on my new schedule. :)
I have terrible springtime allergies too. I'm going to be in Indy this weekend for my niece's wedding, but it's an in and out trip. Hope to see you later this summer sometime... love you!
Wow, I had no idea that you blogged!
Your blog is lovely....but, you need to update it! It's been almost two months, woman!!! Surely you have something to say!!! lol
Seriously, thanks for stopping by!
Yes, Dave does look young and he had a TON of hair!
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