8 ladies will be gathering in my home and we are following the format that Beth used when the Siestas read through the book! I am using Beth's questions to encourage thought and conversation! It's going to be wonderful & I would covet your prayers! Especially for 2 gals joining us as one for sure does not have a personal relationship with Jesus! The rest of the group are very good Christian friends of mine who will be wonderful as we journey with my unchurched friend! I will keep you all posted about our journey! I for one, as secure and confident as I seem... battle insecurity and anxiety A LOT! We are going to do what Beth did in 9 weeks in a 4 week time period! I was afraid that some of the gals wouldn't want to commit to that long of a group!
The garden is really coming along! We are going to be harvesting the broccoli this week! Here are some updated pics of the garden! Oh the bounty we will have! Can't wait to share with my friends and family!
We already have tomatoes growing on some of the vines (can you hear me clapping?)
Love Zucchini! But gotta pick fast or they grow from tender, yummy squash into mammoth, scary veggies overnight!
We are also anticipating bringing home another whippet puppy! We have picked our favorite, but we won't know until the couple in front of us (they get first pick) decides. So far their favs are different than ours. I am not going to post a picture until I know which little guy is ours. So... even if it's crazy... could you pray that we get the little guy we want? We are smitten with him. When we went over to visit this past Friday he was the first pup to come up to me when I leaned into the pen... and he was the first to trot over and plop in my lap when we had them on the floor in our breeder's family room! That anxiety I told you about above... well, when I think about our wait to find out if we get this little guy... I get anxious! As soon as I know I will post pictures! Jet's going to have a playmate! We will be bringing him home around the 4th of July!
I got to visit with my nieces and my great nieces and nephew this last week. It's been wonderful! As close as kids and grand kids that I will ever get and I couldn't be more proud of my girls and their families. They are all doing so well. Unfortunately I forgot my camera EVERY time we got together! Bad Auntie K!
Of course cycling takes up a lot of time when I am not enjoying my friends, family and work! But alas... the rain and t-storms are keeping me off the road tonight. (can you hear me crying?) So I am hoping I can catch up with my blogland sisters this evening since I will be snuggled up in a comfy chair, Jet at my feet and hopefully something decent on TV!
Hey friend~
Oh how I wish I could join you for your book club! And, what a great book to boot.
Your garden looks wonderful...and I know you'll be enjoying your labors soon.
A new pup...you amaze me.
Praying you have a WONDERFUL week.
Hi Kristen~ I'm so glad to catch up with all that is going on with you! I've missed my blog friends too, and sat down to do just that when your post appeared. :-)
First of all, I just prayed for your group and especially the friend. I went through that book with a few friends when Beth did it on her blog, and I must tell you that the Lord used it to help me be released from some certain fears and insecurities that have plagued me all of my life! I'm thrilled for you and the ladies - because I KNOW God will use it in a mighty way in your lives!
I also prayed for the puppy... I pray that the Lord gives you the one that you need and that needs you... and I asked that it be the one you want, too! Can't wait to see the one God has for you. :-)
I'm so impressed with the garden you have - can't imagine having one of my own... but it's so neat to "know" someone that actually grows broccoli - ha ha!
Sounds like you are having a great summer - and I'll look forward to checking back and seeing what you have to share.
Love to you, friend...
Hi Kristen,
You garden pics are wonderful...I can almost smell and taste those beautiful delicacies.
You will have a great time at your new Book Study...I have heard that it is really a good book...Enjoy.
Oh, I'm sad that you won't have your puppy yet when we're there to visit... I love puppies (I have a strong need to nurture small things, as you know). Your garden looks wonderful although very time consuming. And I would be a berry thief for sure if those people were my neighbors.
Love your blog!...and your garden! I'll say a prayer that you get the puppy you have picked out! I completely understand how you feel about that!
May God Bless your Bible Study...excellent choice of book!
I'm sure it will be a great study for all of you! We've been enjoying some fresh produce from a friend's garden. Sure hope we live next door to a garden in our new home!
Knowing the amazing group of women who will meet in your home to share this journey together will find Jesus in your presence!
May God bless your book discussion and speak to each one of you through His word as you share.
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