Mondays don't get much respect...
As I checked my Facebook page this morning I noticed A LOT of status updates describing Monday. Here are a few: "Oh, I do not want to be here what so ever. What a busy miserable day I have ahead of me. But, had a nice weekend..." "Mondays...........UGH." "Monday, Monday....would prefer to go back to bed..."
Of course we also have a variety of songs that describe Monday...
"Monday, Monday... can't trust that day." "Rainy days and Mondays always get me down." "Just another Manic Monday"
The two weather emails I received this morning from my local TV station has these words in the subject line: "Messy Monday" and "Rainy Start to the Week" - not very uplifting!
Hmmm... I don't know about you, but I would say poor Monday doesn't get much respect.
As I scrolled down through the barrage of status updates on Facebook, many of them dis'ing Monday I came upon this post:
" ~NOW.....if these raindrops really were kisses, we'd all be smothered♥ ~Have a wonderful Monday everyone~"
That's a post that made me smile! God smothering us with kisses in the form of raindrops! Smothering us with His love!
Another FB friend had thoughts in her status resulting from her quiet time with God this morning as she wrestled with what is going on in our Government. She was reminded that He is all powerful and that nothing and no one can thrwart His plans. He will use all things for His glory! She also went on to say that we must keep our trust in Him! LOVE IT!
Yes, friends... don't let Monday get you down. This is the day the LORD has made! The day here in Indy is rainy, rather cold... one of those wouldn't it be nice to stay in bed, snuggle and watch Lifetime movies (HA)... but the LORD has made this day for bigger and better things! (shoot) Find out what He has in store for you! Rejoice and be glad in it! In ALL things He works for the good of those who love Him! (Romans 8:28) And yes "All things" certainly encompasses Mondays. So look at Monday as a day the LORD has made. You might have daunting tasks at hand, you might have overslept, you may be a bit over-tired, there are a lot of difficult issues facing so many of us... death, unemployment, economic woes - the media never fails to inform us with negative news. We lost a listing today and yes, it upset me! I was angry and I could have let it ruin my day. But I realized that no matter what happens - He is still in control. His plans will not be derailed... "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11 I have to thank 2 of my FB friends for their posts today - as they reminded me not of the negative, but of the positive. No matter what happens - He is on my side... He will not leave me, He will not fail me.
It's a rainy, spring day in Indy... yes a day to stay indoors... I am also reminded of these words from Psalm 147:8 "He covers the sky with clouds; he supplies the earth with rain and makes grass grow on the hills" Yes, for those spring flowers, green grass and warm days of April & May - we must have the rain! He makes the grass grow my friends... He does! (and for some of us, hooray, the rain isn't snow) ;) And for those of us who have snow - it's the end of March - the dark of winter is behind you! Spring lies ahead - That's a promise He keeps!
So if it is a "Manic Monday, a Rainy Monday, or if Monday is a day you can't trust... remember that there is someone you can trust and it's not a day - it's our Jesus! He is right there with you. I pray you find Him in your Monday!
Much Love on a Monday & everyday,
i've had such a peace all day. i know my Lord and savior is the one in charge and i place all my trust and faith in Him not a system of government or a person in leadership.
great positive post this monday morning.
we should be facebook friends!
I've loved my Monday... a day of rest for me. Kids at school. House is quiet, and I have time to think.
We can trust God with our everyday!
Well said, Kristen. I imagine another listing is just around the corner. Keep the faith!
Happy Monday to you Kristen!
I loved this post! What a positive word on Mondays. You are so right about all of those Monday-downer-FB posts. I love remembering that nothing can thwart God's plans. Such a comfort and a joy - even on a rainy Monday.
Hope this Monday has been a good one for you, my friend!
great positive post this monday morning.
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