We had a wonderful weekend. Friday's have turned into "house cleaning & grocery day" for me. I am thankful that I am self-employed and can "schedule" this into my work week. The weather was wonderful... I had the windows thrown open and a Yankee Country Linen candle burning. Dinner was chicken on the grill, corn on the cob, sliced tomatoes, cottage cheese & cantelope. We ate on the back deck and it truly was a taste of things to come this summer. Dining al fresco is a common occurance here.
Saturday's in the spring and summer mean long rides on our bikes. We got a nice 45 miler in this past Saturday. Looking forward to some longer rides as the weather gets warmer. The wind was brutal, but we had a great time. I think there were 16 of us. Being the only girl, the guys take good care of me. Protecting me from the wind and an occasional shove up a hill if I fall off the fast pace. Once home I made lunch, we putzed around the house and then headed to a friends to watch the Little 500 (any of you seen the movie "Breaking Away"?) We had some great food and enjoyed a good night w/ friends. Once home... I had to turn on the A/C... yes, turned on the A/C in April. It was humid and warm in the house and I refuse to try and sleep when the house is too warm!
Sunday was worship... and what a day to worship the creator of heaven and earth! The weather was wonderful! Flowers and flowering trees are blooming, grass is so green. This time of year reminds me of Easter, re-birth and the life we will have with the Father - everlasting!
I washed windows and put up the screens... I was tired of the bugs getting in on Friday & Saturday! Flower pots were removed from the barn, the rocking chair was put in it's place on the front porch... I rocked a bit w/ a glass of lemonade and my newest Better Homes & Gardens Magazine. We had some leftover rotisserie chicken for supper and a salad. Watched a bit of television, went through the ads in the paper and then fell into bed. We were tired!
Gotta love the weekends!
Not much else to report except that the Lord is good! Oh... I almost forgot... I wanted to share w/ ya'll that my friend Paula who is adopting the twins from Ethiopia got word that they were approved - they passed court. Thank you to those who have lifted the Spears family in prayer... I ask that you continue to do so as many more adventures are to follow. They are making plans to head to Ethiopia as a family to pick up the girls! Click here to see the lovely pictures of these sweet little ones.
Have a wonderful day my friends!
This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it! ~ Psalm 118:24
Hi Friend! Love to hear the updates. You are inspiring with your biking. Hope this finds you doing great!!!! Glad to be back online and catching up with you via ye olde blog....
What a wonderful weekend...and I got my new BH&G magazine too!!! Love it!! Thanks for the update on the twins. I just visited Paula's post.
As a cyclist, you'd appreciate what my darlin' friend Robin is going to do this fall. Hop over to my blog when you get a minute and look at the sidebar for Gotta Run.
Hey there! I love reading your updates. Your weekend sounds so relaxing and fun. Well, as relaxing as a weekend can be with a 45 mile bike ride, andyway. :)
This weather has been gorgeous, hasn't it?
You are one busy girl who knows how to pack it all into a weekend! Sounds like some yummy food, great exercise and good times enjoying all He has blessed you with!
Oh dear, the great minds think alike... I had that Weekend Update thought as well when I saw the title of your post... then I opened it, and wow... we think alike! Glad you enjoyed your weekend. We had that lovely weather mid-week last week, and now it's cold, gray and 40 degrees cooler, so get ready it's coming your way! Love ya! Thanks for sharing my good news!
Please visit Linderhof -- I have something for you there.
I'm intrigued by your bicycling. It's something my husband and I talk about since we both need to get in better shape.
Your bike skills are simply amazing. It is a joy to come here and hear about your day.
I need a weekend like this! And anytime you're up for some more window washing, let me know.
Blessings and peace to you in your week~elaine
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