Firstly, I have to tell you how much I have missed visiting your individual blogs. I haven't had a lot of extra time due to the time I have devoted to this prayer journey. The daily workbook, prayer time, preparing to lead our group as well as work (it's picked up a bit), and the daily tasks that fill my day. I do look forward to getting back to visiting you regularly soon. We are down to the last two weeks and it's been a wonderful journey. Full of ups, downs and in betweens. As I am deepening my time that I commuincate with God I have definitely felt times when the enemy is trying to weasel his way in. I am thankful that I am able to recognize those times and tell him to "get lost"! :)
I am continuing my comittment to pray for you... this past week we focused on the power of petition as well as intercession. How I have enjoyed praying for you! So, if there is anything burdening your heart this week, a prayer of praise or thanksgiving, a prayer for a friend or family member... I would love to devote time to pray! (you should see the paper prayer chain)
Place your request by clicking the post comment link at the bottom of this post or email me.
On another note... spring is beginning to waken. We have enjoyed some wonderful temps this past weekend. I had the windows thrown open, letting the fresh air in. The grass is beginning to show signs of green, the tulips & daffodils are beginning to peek through the ground ready to grace us with some wonderful color! God is getting His paintbrush ready to color our landscape! I hope you take some time during the day to take in His majesty! The miracle of spring, re-birth! How appropriate that Easter comes this time of year!
I am excited about sprucing up our landscaping this year as well as digging in the dirt getting our veggie garden ready. I think this year more so than most I am looking forward to saving some money by growing my own veggies. I love to can tomatoes and put other veggies up in the freezer (it's a bit of summer in the winter).
Have a wonderful week my friends!
Much Love in Christ!
Hi, Kristen!
I have the windows open here too (not for long though), and I love it!
I would really appreciate your prayers for my daddy. He suffered a small stroke almost 3 weeks ago. He is doing well now, but we are all still pretty shaken up from it.
I will pray for you too.
In Christ,
Hi Kristen,
Nice site! It is so wonderful to read that you are a woman of God!!
If you get the opportunity, please say a prayer for the requests on our main page.
God bless you & your family,
Mark, Lynn, Brooke & Carley Seay
ps - feel free to follow our blog or link to us by grabbing one of our free blue buttons (top Sidebar). :)
Thank you for your prayers. My husband's job seems secure for several more weeks with a new house project they are doing. They are supposed to find out this week (actually, tomorrow) whether they got the bakery job or not so I appreciate prayers that the Lord's will would be done concerning that.
It sure doesn't look like spring here... and I'm more than ready.
I so much appreciate your prayers for my son. It sounds like this has been a life-changing experience. I am in a Bible Study that is teaching us to focus on listening to God.
God bless you. We've had warmer temps but tons of rain! That's ok--spring is on the way! Donna
A bit of summer in the winter...that's for sure and a great thing.
I'm glad this prayer journey has been so fruitful and blessed.
Just wanted to stop by and say "hey"! We've been enjoying the warmer weather so much...we even left the house today with no coats! I'm hoping this sticks around for good now!
I love your blog..So glad I ran across it. I am new to the blogging world...Have loved reading them for several years...
When you have some time stop by for a visit.
Pray for my brother, Mike... that he would realize his desperate need for God... that he would be broken and then turn to Him - the One who loves him most.
Thanks, girl. You're a dear.
Much love,
What a blessing it is to be busy spending time in the studying of God's Word! Your prayer ministry a gift to so many.
May the Lord bless you and continue to fill you to overflowing with Himself and His Word...
My Canadian friend, Joy at Ponderings is having a horrible time involving a health issue with her father. Truly, a medical nightmare if there ever was one.
Pray for her and her family.
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