I can't believe almost 7 weeks have passed since my "Take it to the Lord" posts started. This is the final week of our workbook and the final week of these posts. Please know, that I will continue to pray for many of you, as I know that some of the prayer requests are ongoing.
These last 7 weeks have been intense. Full of ups and downs, joys and sorrows, praises and pleadings... but the best part of the whole journey has been my intimacy with the Lord. Communicating with Him on an entirely different level. Growing in my prayer time and my prayer life. That is something that I will carry on well beyond the 7 weeks.
It has been a privelege and a pleasure to pray with you and on your behalf during this time. I hope all of you know that anytime you need prayer... drop me an email or post a comment. I look forward to getting back into the routine of checking in on all of you through your blogs... I have missed visiting you!
Now... I want to introduce you to the newest memeber of our family!
Meet Chase August Hensley

Chase was born last night at 11:15pm to our sweet niece Chrissy and her husband Zack. His middle name is August after Jim's dad. Some of you might remember that Jim's dad passed away this past September.
We do need your prayers. Little Chase was born w/ a pretty high temp. Chrissy was running a temp of 102 last night as well. This morning both mama and baby are fever free... so we are praying all is well. Chrissy had a very long day. Got to the hospital on Sunday night... due to some complications she was unable to have the procedure she went in for, and they induced yesterday morning. Needless to say Chrissy is very tired. Chase weighed in a 7 pounds 5 oz. I was not given his length. We were all more worried about the fever! He's a strong little guy...
Again, thank you for the privelege of praying for you. Thank you for praying for me! Pray on, Prayer Warriors!
Much Love,
What a beautiful baby boy. Will pray the fever is a non-issue for both mom and baby.
I have a nephew named Augustus...he is called Augie and is also a cutie pie.
Have lots of fun with your newest nephew.
Oh, now that gives me God-skin, that beautiful baby boy.
What a precious treasure that little one is! I will be praying that mom and baby continue to be fever free.
In Him,
I just love reading your posts. You are just so sweet and genuine and down-to-earth.
That little boy is just adorable. I am just IN LOVE with newborns.
I hope both he and mama continue doing well.
Congratulations! No one loves a newborn baby more than I do... sigh. So sweet. :)
Kristen--What a sweet baby boy! We will pray they will have no further health problems.
Thank you so much for your prayers for my son during this last 7 weeks. What a wonderful experience for you, to take your relationship with the Lord to a deeper level. Blessings on you! Donna
Thank you for including me in your weekly group prayer time. I'm being blessed by the workbook and will continue to pray for you and your husband as well.
A portrait of heaven wrapped in a blanket...beautiful!
Thanks for all your prayers over the past 7 weeks Kristen. Colton's college decision is coming into focus, and some grants/funds are beginning to be offered, so we are more hopeful than we were 7 weeks ago.
God knows our needs; He IS faithful to provide.
Praying for your family.
Thank you for your prayers for our family the past weeks. I am thankful for the time you have had the past weeks in growing in intimacy with the Lord.
I feel him calling me deeper and am anxious to see what it all means!!!
Chase August is beautiful! Chrissy, Zach and Chase are in my prayers. HOpefully they will all be home soon. xoxo Joanie
Hey, Kristen!
Since you asked... Can you please pray for a special couple who is planning to get divorced? I helped them move yesterday and I just have a feeling... it's not over until the papers are signed. I hope God shows off in this one! I better not mention names... God knows!
The baby is beautiful and I LOVE his name. Have a good afternoon!
Angie xoxo
Congratulations on the new addition to your family. He is darling. Please update us on how he and mom are doing. :-)
Oh my word that baby is darling. I ask for the Great Physician's hands to bring healing upon them right now!
Hi Kristen,
Thanks for sharing that with us! Chase is a blessing from Above!! You are very blessed!!
Hey. If you get the opportunity, would you
mind praying for the prayer requests that are
on our main page?
May the Lord bless you and your family!!
Mark, Lynn, Brooke & Carley Seay
ps - please consider "following" our blog -or- atleast
grab one of our free, linking, blue buttons. (see top
sidebar at www.LighthousePrayerLine.org).
God bless sweet little Chase and the whole family in the name of Jesus I pray.
Bless this sweet one's life and may he never know a day when Christ was not in it.
Prayers for him and the mom as well.
God's blessing to you all and may your prayers be covered in the name of Jesus.
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