So what has happened in the past two weeks. Spring arrived! Yeah! With the warmer temps our business has really picked up and it's been difficult to find time to blog. I have had so many thoughts running through this head of mine to write about, but finding the time to really sit down and put a pen to paper has been difficult. I am not complaining as this is truly an answer to prayer. With each phone call that comes in, each new listing or new buyer I lift up my hands and my eyes and say thank you! God truly is providing! I am thankful beyond measure for His grace, mercy and His promise to never leave me.
With the warmer temps we are also getting out and riding our bikes. Been getting in some pretty good rides for this time of year. Our longest is 48 miles. That will obviously increase as the weather warms, but for now I am enjoying getting my base miles in. I have still been doing the strength and endurance class I joined back in Novemeber. I absolutely love it! I am really beginning to see the results! It's a tough class, but I obviously like pain! (LOL)
We have also taken some time to clean up around the outside of the house. Raking out flower beds, moving a few shrubs and getting some spring veggies planted in the garden. The peas, onions, turnips (for greens) beets and radishes have been planted. I am hoping this weekend is warm so I can put in another planting of onions and get my lettuces planted in the window box planters that are still sitting on the patio. Gardening is one thing that brings us such joy. I am looking forward to the warmer days ahead, cooking out and relaxing of an evening on the patio w/ Jim and the dog.
This week is Spring Break week for many of the local school systems. I am hoping that my nieces and nephews will get to come and spend the night w/ us one evening this week. We always have so much fun. If they do spend the night it's a must that Uncle Jimmy makes pancakes for breakfast! We play games, pop popcorn and the girls always bring a movie for us to watch!
We host our family Easter Lunch every year so I have also been busy preparing our menu etc. We will have 25 plus people over on Easter Sunday. It's always such a wonderful day as we gather together as family celebrating the Resurrection of our Lord!
I look forward to catching up with you all this week! You are so dear to me! I have missed you! The title of this post included the words "random thoughts". I know this was all pretty random! ;) Just wanted to catch up w/ ya'll!
This coming Sunday we will celebrate Palm Sunday. Doesn't is seem that we just celebrated Christmas? Like I said... time sure does fly! In the next two weeks, as you journey with Jesus... from his trimuphant entry into Jerusalem to the Last Supper, to Gesthemane, to the Cross and ultimately his glorious resurrection I pray that you experience each moment with Jesus. Take it in... every bit of it... thank him, praise him, rejoice! This journey... he did it for you and for me. As I think of Jesus' passion I am reminded of this verse from "How Great Thou Art"
And when I think, that God, His Son not sparing;
Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in;
That on the Cross, my burden gladly bearing,
He bled and died to take away my sin.
Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art.
Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art!
Yes... how great a love Jesus has for us! Let your soul sing!
Much Love,
After all that wonderful stuff you said, I'm stuck on 48 miles. That's so awesome!!!
You seem like such a sweet hearted, fun-loving person. Reading your posts brings a sense of calmness and joy to me. I can just imagine the fun you have with your nices and nephews.
Are you in real estate? Regardless I'm glad business is picking up and you see your prayers being answered. I'm so happy for you!
I was wondering when you were going to post... slacker! :P I'm glad your business is picking up. I've thought of you often during this real estate slump. Ugh, it was bad enough selling our own house, much less having it be our livelihood! Have fun on your bike rides... better you than me. :)
It was great to read a post again! I missed your blog. The hymn you wrote about is one of my favorites.
So glad to read "you" this morning!
I am praising the Lord this morning for spring--and for all of the blessings he has given you as the seasons are changing. He is Great!
25 people for Easter??? WOW! I'm impressed!
It's so good to have you back! 48 miles are base miles?! i just started at a fitness center and did 2 miles on the treadmill and thought I had accomplished something!
I'm enjoying the warmer weather too. I've done some clean-up in the yard but we don't have our garden in yet. We need to get with it!
Thanks for all your random thoughts. I too, hope we all will think about our Lord's sacrifice for us in these next 2 weeks, and give Him praise and honor. Donna
I have missed you friend! You certainly have been busy and I am really impressed with the miles you are putting in on your bike! My middle son (12), Sam got into road biking a couple of years ago because my Dad was biking. They took a trip from Dayton all the way to Cincinnati one weekend. It's a great sport! I am also really impressed about the 25 people you are having for Easter. I'm sure you are going to make it very special!
I absolutley love that song! It lifts me up and brings about so much emotion of our precious Christ! Thank you!
You go, chickadee, on the bike! Hubby did around 30 on Sunday after church--we had wind gusts of up to 30 mph, and I don't know how he stayed on the bike! I will probably get mine going next week. I don't have enough cold/cool weather cycling clothes. But it's getting warmer!! Enjoy your rides and be safe!
It's so great to read the joy and blessings that are going on in your life! Thank you for sharing them with us. I also want to thank you for your commitment to prayer and lifting up all the requests you are getting!
Time is flying by way too quickly! I hope to do a lot of biking this year. My brother and sister-in-law are trying to convince us to do a 185 mile ride for charity. I'm not sure about that far! I wish I enjoyed gardening. Our yard is too overwhelming and we have snakes so I get too scared. I'm looking forward to nicer days, too! I haven't made any plans for Easter yet. I better get on it!
Have a nice day and thanks for sharing your random thoughts!
Love you,
Angie xoxo
I love your blog and am so glad that I found you. Hope you can stop by my blog. I am going to have a "card box" giveaway every month. This drawing will be the last day of April.
Every comment you leave throughout the month will enter your name in the drawing, so if you visit several times and leave several comments, you will have a better chance to win. This NEW blogger was so touched by all the comments I got on the Blog Party, that I decided to make this a monthly GIFT...
Also, if you link to my blog telling about the monthly giveaway, you will have your name entered 10 extra times...How is that for an incentive?
I was so blown away by all the responses that I wanted to email each person personally, but TIME... just has not permitted..but I did love reading all of them..I am continuing to introduce my family members and then there will be some fun blogs coming up from Disney World in May. I am so thankful for all my new friends.
Sounds like you've been busy and been having a blast! Good to catch up with you through your random thoughts. :-) Have a great week... Jennifer
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