Ready, Set, Pray!
Week 1
Last week in my post Footprints & Prayer I wrote about the journey and focus that our church and our small groups will be involved in for the next several weeks. That focus is prayer. I expressed that on Monday's I will be asking for your prayer requests. I will pray over them and I will be posting them on our Prayer Wall &/or our Prayer Chain that will en-circle our Sanctuary.
You can either email me a request, or click on the "cherished comments" link at the bottom of this post with your requests. Jim and I will be spending 1/2 hour each morning (except Sunday's when we worship) in prayer. We will pray and journal separately, and then come together at the end of the 1/2 hour to pray together. It is an honor and privelege to include requests to our Father on your behalf during this time. We are taking this very seriously! So, I also ask, that while we embark on this journey... developing a new prayer life, that you pray for us. I know the enemy will be lurking as satan would like nothing more than to keep us from communing with God.
I have all the tools... God has equipped me... Ready, Set, Pray...
Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.
~ Mark 1:35
I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.
John 14:12-14
Much Love,
Of course you know mine, I think but it is worth repeating as we need much prayer...
Please pray for my dead marriage. He's been gone 19 months and it's been legal (divorce) for 15 months. I have no contact with him. He is a devoted Christian man but satan has deceived him gravely about how to handle our marriage. Satan told him God said our covenant was broken and it was not per God's Word. I pray that God does whatever He needs to bring my beloved (Chris) back into His path and united as three in the Father. I ask for prayer for myself for the stamina to keep believin in God's power to heal, change, and resurrect a very dead marriage. However you deem to pray for this man of God it is much appreciated by this woman who loves him but I know I can't love him more than God does.
Of course, also the selling of my house. With this much time passed, I'm really wondering if it will ever sell and maybe we are to be reunited and then sell and choose another house TOGETHER. I just don't know. I'm careful not to pray for it to sell sooner than God's plan deems. So, I've let the house go into His hands. Yet, it sounds like I've not let my beloved go into His Hands. I have but I guess I care less what happens to my house than what happens to my beloved and our marriage.
I'm an open book and if any of this has peeked curiosity in your or brought questions to mind, feel free to email me. I'll be glad to share further but just don't want to take up your blog space.
Thanks so much. I pray God has mighty plans in 2009 to resurrect this dead marriage and continue to transform me and begin a massive transformation in my beloved. I rejoice over the changes and transformations in myself and pray He continues in me as He deems needed.
Love ya,
Oh Kristen, What a way to be a blessing through your hobby of blogging. That is why I love blogging and what I guess those who don't blog don't understand. This is a real community of real people, united in this faith. I will continue to pray for you and Jim as you go on this beautiful journey of prayer. It makes me sad to think that when we begin something so beautiful it makes us such a target for the enemy. But I know you will both be suited in the Armor of God and able to distinguish the flaming arrows of the enemy. Sending you love and hugs my Friend.... Kim
Oh, how I have God-skin.
I'm emailing you here shortly.
Thank you!
I'm an intercessor at heart so I love that you are commiting to praying for others. Today my focus was on praying for healing for so many I know who need a touch from the Lord.
For me, I'd appreciate continued prayer that my husband's job would be secure and that more work would come their way.
Blessings to you!
Would appreciate prayers for my son's upcoming college decision. We're in the heavy and thick of things right now and need the direction of God.
This is the best! I have thought about a prayer page on my blog also, but just haven't gotten the go ahead from God on it. So, I will gladly let you pray with and for me!
My daughter Melissa, who is 22 and a senior at LSU (5th year...) SHe will graduate in May with her degree in Pre-med (Biological sciences). Her desire is to go to med school and will begin applying soon. For next July. She has just been accepted to a medical mission team going to Cameroon, Africa, this fall. SHe will be gone around 3 months. Please pray that the Lord's will concerning her med school acceptance will be done and that He will continue to be with Melissa as she raises money for her trip and all the other aspects of it. Pray that I can let my child go to Africa!
thanks so much,
Kristen, would you please pray for my beautiful twin daughters in Ethiopia, Candace Selam and Sarah Fikir, that they may be healthy and happy and whole until we can bring them home forever? And also for a successful court date on February 27. Hugs and much thanks!
I believe that God will lead you on what to pray for. My name is Mercedes and I live in Tampa, Fl. Let the holy spirit lead you.
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