Today is one of those days! (I am trying to find some batteries around the house for my camera so I can take pics) We got a foot of snow in Indy and I am so loving it! The benefit of self-employment is the ability to stay home on a snow day! Right now... I am typing this in my favorite chair in front of a crackling fire. The dog is snoozing on his pillow in front of the fireplace and the cat is curled up on the couch. Jim, well Jim is out plowing the neighborhood! He loves it! I have a pot of coffee on for him (and for me) and I think I might just make some cinnamon rolls today! A pot of soup is a must as well. I did go out and shovel the walk out front, and also a path on the back patio for the dog. That's my contribution to the snow removal! :)
For those who have to go out in the snow I pray they are safe... I am thankful for the city employees who work tirelessly to try and keep up w/ the snow by plowing the streets and laying down salt. I am thankful for my warm house and for my husband who not only plows our drive, but the majority of the folks on our street. (we have a lot of elderly neighbors). And I am also thanking God because I had to go out last night to show a home. We wrote and offer and it was accepted as well! I am so excited for my clients, because this home is absolutely the perfect home for them! God heard my prayers! I wanted a good snowstorm... got one! I asked the Lord to direct me on my professional path... what should I do... He answered! Praising Him!
Once I am able to take pics... I will post them!
Have a wonderful day my friends!
~ K
God is so good! I praise Him for His faithfulness! I'm a little more than an hour north of you and we only got about 6" on top of what we had. Kids are out of school. Have a GREAT day in front of the fire!
Blessings - Lisa
Enjoy God, your Man, the coffee, the fire, the CINNAMON ROLLS and especially the soup! You are going to have a great day with Jesus!
Love ya
We missed the storm this time in northern Indiana. We only got about 3 inches but I was still hoping for a 2 hour school delay so I could sleep in a bit but it didn't happen. My parents, who live west of Indianapolis near Illinois, left for Florida last week so they dodged the storm as well! Enjoy the comfort food and warmth.
I just went out and we have 10 inches here in Ohio. The boys are out playing and I am staying inside where it is warm and cozy! I plan on posting some pictures later as well. I look forward to seeing yours:)
We're in the Ft. Wayne area and only got about 6 inches. As my husband left for work he said, you're snowed in. Don't try to get out of the garage. He said he would plow it out when he comes home; however, some good samaritan came by this morning and plowed it.
I'm still going to stay in, enjoy my coffee, watch a movie, and try to make some sort of comfort food for supper.
You're soup, and especially cinnamon rolls sound mouth-watering! Donna
The day you are having sounds perfect!!! Tim just called and is driving in from Indy right now! I cannot believe he is driving in this mess.... and pray he gets here safe and sound. It's beautiful from inside our home, not so much being out in it! PS ~ I love that your sweet hubby is helping your neighbors... doesn't that just feel good!?! PSS ~ I posted pics from our snow, but it isn't showing on my reader that I posted... I wish I was technically inclined! Hugs Friend...
We got ZILCH here in eastern Nebraska! I feel gypped!
Congrats on the house sale! May there be many more soon.
How fun! Enjoy your snow day! I have rain in SC and a very bad hair day!
Wow sounds like a cozy day. What a blessing on the house sale God is so good. I hope you enjoyed your day. Hot coffee, fireplace, Cinamon Rolls, home with hubby, and quiet time with our Lord. I love it that your hubs plows the neighborhood, what a servants heart.
I've never had a snow day, being a native Californian, it's snowed all of twice in the bay area in my life time, and it was barely stuck to the ground. Oh well. We are praying for God to give us some rain, or it's drout and water rationing for us.
:) Carol
Love your blog - t his is a new look right!
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