This is the front of our house. The drive is clear thanks to my sweet hubby! (((Jim))) The street... not sure who in the neighborhood has a friend that clears snow, but 3 pickup trucks w/ snowblades came through and plowed yesterday afternoon. That NEVER happens here. Normally after a snow the street is full of ice ruts!

We hadn't taken the wreath off of the barn... so it looks Christmasy!
Yard Stick measuring the 12.5 inches of snow!

Something was definitely peaking Jet's interest in the woodpile!

Jet wants to go back out and play!
After I ventured out and took a few photos of the Winter Wonderland... I was in desperate need of this:

The evergreen in our neighbor's yard

Something was definitely peaking Jet's interest in the woodpile!

Jet wants to go back out and play!
After I ventured out and took a few photos of the Winter Wonderland... I was in desperate need of this:
Nothing like holding a warm cup of coffee between my hands on a cold winter day!
Oh... and I have rented some movies! So tonight after we work-out at the Y we will cozy up to a fire, pop some popcorn and watch a movie! Ahhhh... the splendor of a winter night at home!
Now that's a lot of snow!
I simply knew you would have either some coffee or a fire going!!!
Your a great friend,
Kristen, I love these photos. I may just use them as proof though to show Tim he should NOT have driven home yesterday! haha. I love Jet's cute sweater. And, so happy that your street is clear.... we have the ruts! And, just now on the way home the kids and I got too close to a frozen snow bank in the neighborhood.... how embarassing would it have been if I hit the neighbor's mailbox? Thank you God that didn't happen. Hope today brings you more time to cozy inside... Hugs, Kim
Don't you just love snow days? I stayed home and did very little! It was awesome!
Is that a grey hound you have???? My husband wants a grey hound so badly! They are such sweet dogs!!!
Stay warm and safe!!!
My dogs shun their cute little dog sweaters. :(
Today in eastern Nebraska it is in the upper thirties and bright and sunny. The last of the killer icicles melted off the garage, and the snow is almost gone too.
What wonderful pictures. Thank you for sharing. We have about 2 feet here in east central Wisconsin. I love your home and your dog is so cool. You picked a perfect name for him. I'll bet he sure can run...
I must come and have a cup of coffee with you sometime. I ventured out today, also, but we only had 6 inches.
Your snow day sounded great. Donna
These pictures are gorgeous. Of course, down here in the south (SC that is) doesn't get cold enough for snow at all. One thing I know for sure, my children would have had a blast in all that snow.
Jet is such a handsome dog. I have 2 chihuhuas (I can never spell this right). But any way their names are Prince and Bambi. I adopted them both.
Thanks so much for sharing. I enjoyed my visit!!
Gorgeous photos! You did get a bunch, didn't you!? Your driveway and street look pristine! (Impressive!) Hope you enjoyed your movie time tonight! = )
Thank you so much for praying for my brother-in-law and his employees. He got to come home last night and sleep for 3 1/2 hours before heading back out. They finally finished this afternoon...for now. I hear we have a chance of more snow tomorrow!
Beautiful photos, hope you had a warm and cozy night.
By the way love your doggie. Is he a wippet?
I forgot to mention, I love your new background. Also really enjoyed the pics. I didn't get any pictures taken of our snow. Donna
Oh Kristen~What beautiful pictures. Your home is SO beautiful!!!! So warm and inviting.
I think I'll swing by for a cup of coffee?? :-)
Ya'll come over for coffee!
Yes... Jet is a whippet! Love him! Paula, Jet loves his sweaters! What a fashion plate he is.
Hmmm, you said y'all and you're in IN? Do they say that there? Gotta do you like living there? God has an open door for us in IN and we are considering it. A great friend of mine lives in Brownsberg, on the west side.
Isn't it fun to have a foot of snow? If you've been to my're thinkin'...didn't she write about "the yuck" ???
...your dog is a hoot!
I too a few pics myself. It is deep down here also. I have to say the four days of no work has not brought out the best in me...very lazy. I do much better with routine since I live alone. In the past, I would've loved to have four snow days off work to enjoy with my hubby...there's a totally different light to it being alone in hibernation.
I'm trying to get back into the grove.
Love the new background.
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