We have a nickname for our whippet Jet. Well we have several nicknames, but lately "Velcro Dog" has been the name of choice. You see Jet follows me around wherever I go. Walks right along side. When I sit at the kitchen table he sits right next to me. When I go to the restroom... well you get the idea. I am sure many of your mothers out there have had children that are the same way. Wherever you go... they go. The want to be right next to you.
I started to think about my "Velcro Dog" and thought to myself... if I only I could be that way with Jesus. Stuck to him like velcro... all the time. Constantly walking in step with him, right by his side. I know he's always there for me, but I am not always walking in sync with him. And, unlike me, he doesn't get annoyed if I am underfoot! I have tripped over my dog many times!
I love my sweet dog Jet. How sweet it is that he loves me so much that he sticks to me like velcro. I provide him love, food, shelter and companionship... just like Jesus provides me with love, food, shelter and companionship. I can learn a lesson from my "Velcro Dog". Stick to Jesus at all times. He won't get annoyed... it's what he wants!

Image courtesy of freefoto.com

I started to think about my "Velcro Dog" and thought to myself... if I only I could be that way with Jesus. Stuck to him like velcro... all the time. Constantly walking in step with him, right by his side. I know he's always there for me, but I am not always walking in sync with him. And, unlike me, he doesn't get annoyed if I am underfoot! I have tripped over my dog many times!
I love my sweet dog Jet. How sweet it is that he loves me so much that he sticks to me like velcro. I provide him love, food, shelter and companionship... just like Jesus provides me with love, food, shelter and companionship. I can learn a lesson from my "Velcro Dog". Stick to Jesus at all times. He won't get annoyed... it's what he wants!

Image courtesy of freefoto.com
Our dogs could be the best of friends! Our Lily is the same way... follows me everywhere (bathroom included!) Now every time I see her under my feet I have something to think about... stick to Jesus all the time!
Dogs are such wonderful friends..I love dogs! They truly are man's best friend in the animal world!
Have a great Thursday!
-sandy toes
Thank you for this reminder--Charlie, my dog is the same way. It's good to have such a tangible reminder of how I should be living my life. Many times I get so annoyed with him and I all I want him to do is lay down somewhere else. Not Jesus--I like the velcro!!!
Good post Kristen, I needed that scripture today...been calling on the Lord a lot lately and I do not want to find myself doing things in my own strength only to find out later that my fruit is immature and incomplete. I so want to be able to touch people with his love, I need him so.
What a nice metaphor, Kristen! I'll think of it as my THREE dogs and TWO cats are trailing me around the house, as they do all day, every day. I like to tell people I have an entourage. :)
I forgot to mention that they even hang out just outside the shower door. :P
That is a lovely comparison, Kristen. I have said myself concerning Allie...there is so much to learn from our pets.
Every. Single. Time. That we leave the house and re-enter, she is SO excited to see us....You would think we had been gone for years, but in reality all we did was take out the trash. LOL!:)
But I have often thought to myself, I should always be that excited to spend time with God. It's humbling.
Once, a couple of years ago now, my husband's pay got cut $20,000 a year. Needless to say, it was (and still is) devastating. I cried for 3-4 days straight (hanging my head in shame). Anyway, one day while I was crying, I noticed Allie asleep on the couch....Snoring loudly. It dawned on me that she is not worried about anything. She has a comfortable couch to snore on. We feed her. Bathe her. Love her. Take care of her. She is resting secure in our love. It was SO humbling to me, because it was then that I realized that I needed a faith like Allie's.
Merry Christmas, Kristen!
God Bless,
Oh Kristen, that picture is precious!!! Your sweet puppy sounds like my Gracie.... and like Christy's dogs ~ even to the bathroom. May we all do as you've said and cling this tightly to our Daddy in Heaven. Merry Christmas!!!
Oh my dog is the same way. Doesn't matter where I go she's right there. Now I'll always have the reminder to me that I need to be more like my dog, and stick close to the one who provides for me, but without ever getting annoyed by me.
Thank you for that image. It something I needed.
How precious. I don't have any animals but I'm always amazed by their faithfulness.
Sweet companionship. The life lesson I continue to learn! Wish I could always boast a heart like little Velcro.
Oh, Kristen... This was great! We had to put our dog down (several years ago now) and whenever I consider getting another one I am reminded of how annoying our Golden Retriever was by following me just like you described. It drove me nuts, honestly! What a great picture of Jesus. I want a "Velcro Jesus"!
Thank you!
Love you,
Angie xoxo
I love this post... the Lord has also shown me similar things through my sweet little dog.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. It is the blog I keep for my Wedding Consulting business. I have a personal, more reflective one too, but I keep it private, just due to the nature of what I do.
I hope you had a very Merry Christmas and countless blessings in the New Year.
Warmly, Emily Edwards
I just found your blog via "Praise and Coffee"!
I love your story about your whippet "Jet". Whippets are similiar to Spanish Greyhounds. My husband and I had a s. greyhound, brindle, for 14 yrs,"Brandy". She was the same way; she had to be close to us. She was sweet.
We now have a yellow lab, "Joy". She is very sweet, too!
Miriam <><
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