I have enjoyed this day so much today that I wanted to share w/ all of you what has gone on so far...
A Sunday in Autumn
Up early for Church (this is a picture of the altar in our Church Sanctuary.
After church we had breakfast at Jim's mom's. (we all gather together for breakfast each Sunday after church. Jim's mom lives right next door to Calvary.) Today Jim's Uncles are in town so we enjoyed Jim's mom's "Sunday French Toast" My favorite! We also had sausages, orange juice and coffee. I am including the recipe for her French Toast - it's wonderful!
Sunday French Toast
* Loaf of French Bread (or any bread you like)
* 4 Eggs
* 1 Cup Milk
* 2 T Orange Juice
* 1 T sugar
* 1/2 tsp vanilla
* 1/4 tsp salt
* 2 T butter
* Confectioners (powdered) sugar
Arrange bread (sliced) in a 13x9 inch pan.
Beat eggs w/ milk, orange juice, vanilla & slat until well blended. Pour over bread, turn slices to coat evenly. Cover pan and refrigerate overnight.
Melt butter in skillet, or on your griddle; place bread slice in skillet or griddle and cook until golden, about 4 minutes per side (just eyeball it); sprinkle w/ powdered sugar and of course smother it with maple syrup!
Once home we decided we should stay on top of the leaves. Plus, we needed to rake out the leaves under the bushes in the front of the house. Jim has been mulching up the leaves this year with the mower - it's been wonderful. Not raking as much and not bagging as much. Some of the mulched leaves will be tilled into the veggie garden. As I type this he is cutting up the leaves in our neighbor's yard.
Here we are hard at work... looks like I drew the short straw here!
Well... maybe not the short straw... Jim is still outside in the cold... here is where I am...
I have a cozy fire in the fireplace... have poured myself a cup of coffee and will settle in to read the Thanksgiving issues of my favorite magazines! I am using my new coffee mug that I purchased at the Feed & Seed's Christmas Open House last night. Isn't it cute?!?!?!
Oh, and I have a pot of chili bubbling on the stove!
I have my favorite fall candles burning inside and you can smell the fireplace outside. It sure smells like fall at the Schwark Homestead!

After we eat, I believe we will venture out to our friend's home to watch the Colts!!! Go Colts!!
Autumn days, like today are my favorite. Raking leaves, (good exercise) something bubbling on the stove, a fire in the fireplace, crisp air, a good book or magazine... and football!
I hope you are enjoying your Autumn Sunday...
What a blessing today has been!
I really enjoyed the photos and reading about your day. I love Sundays.
Sounds wonderful, Kristen, except for the football. :-)
You have a BEAUTIFUL house, inside and out. Your neighborhood looks so cozy.
What a beautiful day you are having! So glad for you! I make that french toast - but we call it "Orange French Toast" and I double the amount of "stuff" put in the pan. Yumm! Our children love it, and will often request it for supper. :-)
Thanks for visiting Smelling Coffee. I have enjoyed visiting your blog, too, and will be back!
Well, I'd take pictures but they wouldn't include much more than the sanctuary, McD's, and my bed. A good day for me!
By the way, my husband preached an awesome sermon this morning ("turn on the light) and we sang one of my favorite old hymns, "Victory in Jesus". Indeed, a good day.
Your home is so beautiful and inviting. This day you've described sounds perfect! I can't wait to try the frech toast for my family.
What a blessing to enjoy church and breakfast each week with your family. That is such a beautiful tradition.
We have a roast, carrots and potatos in the crockpot.... and will soon enjoy that. I'm with you ~ it is such a great feeling to enjoy those smells on a Sunday ~~~ especially a cold one like today. And, we too will be rooting for the Colts in a bit!
Have a great evening!
Your home is so filled with so much love. And it comes through on the pages.
I love the cameo's while raking leaves. Be careful. Your husband might not be able to see you and run you over. That would turn YOU into a short straw.
Fall is so cozy! And I have the french toast recipe, but not with orange - YUM! Thanks for the tip!
Yep - sounds like a GREAT Sunday!
Your day sounds so delightful and the pictures so fresh I can smell the fall leaves thru my laptop! :-)
Gosh, it's all so cozy and fall-like. Very nice! We went to church Saturday evening, as we usually do so everyone can have one sleep-in day. I spent my Sunday today coaching at a meet, but we won so it was worth it. :)
We don't have many leaves, and it's so windy here that they mostly blow away. But right now we have lots of sand in our mulched areas. Messy.
What a wonderful fall day! Your fire and reading corner look so inviting.
Sounds like a lovely day, Kristen!
I heart the fall, and your blog background is beautiful!:)
Have a great day, Kristen!
God Bless,
What a wonderful post, I feel all warm and cozy now :)
I love the sights and smells of fall too!
That French toast sounds wonderful, thank you.
Thanks for sharing that recipe--I'm going to try it! We had chili this weekend too!
I loved being there with you on your autumn Sunday. I too love to sit by my fireplace with a warm cup of coffe e and read. Love the fall pictures. Connie
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