Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
before you were born I set you apart
~ Jeremiah 1:5
I remember letting this verse fall over me a few years ago... God knew me first! He knew I was there even before my mom had the slightest inkling that I was growing inside of her. He knew I who I was even before my mom, my grandma.... were born. How cool is that.
Last week I asked you to pray for Sarah, her husband and her family. Today I ask you to pray again and offer up praises and prayers of Thanksgiving. Visit Sarah for wonderful news and a wonderful picture!!!!
Sarah's sister Christy has a wonderful blog as well! Congratulate her as well - she will be Aunt Christy!!!
Praising God today for the gift of life!
For more Word Filled Wednesday Posts Visit: 160 Acre Wood
You are so very sweet. Thank you for celebrating this news with us! I am so amazed and humbled at the outpouring of prayer support and encouragement that has come from people who don't even know except through our blogs. Thank you again Kristen from the bottom of my heart.
I'm looking forward to getting started on the book too!
Thank you for sharing this wonderful verse with us today! God bless you!
I have often thought of how cool it is that He did know me before....and He made me anyway.:)
He is so good!
God Bless,
I love this verse. It is like seeing an old friend every time I read it.
This is truly an amazing verse...and what a blessing you are...to share in the sweet joy Sarah and her family are experiencing.
Praying that God blesses you in BIG ways!!
What joyous news and what a perfect verse. I've always loved pondering on this one...thank you for sharing it today.
P.S. I LOVE your new look for fall...it's gorgeous!
Enjoying being known by Him!
Hi there!
Nice to have found your blog (through WFW)
Beautiful photo and verse... It is amazing how God works and how He has planned the end from the beginning!
Hope you're having a super WFW!
Oh, that is the best news! May God continue to perfect what He began! Your WFW is beautiful and one of my favorite scriptures. Blessings to you!
It is an amazing truth to know that He knew us before we knew Him. Thank you for sharing and for linking to Sarah's blog. I am so happy for her!!
Kristen, you are so sweet. I love how you care so much for other people and you are still cute! Thank you for reminding me of the TRUTH concerning my own birth.
I am so blessed that He knows me.
great post! :)
I am left without words on how your comment and then your post have moved me. I am overwhelmed by the outpouring of prayers and support by so many people I have "met" recently. Mike and I consider ourselves truly blessed to have this baby on the way and to have so many people standing with us! Thank you again! You have touched my life!
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