The purpose of Word filled Wednesday is to share God’s word through photo’s & a verse!
So today I choose this picture of the Rockies of Colorado. I snapped this photo in early April on our annual trek to the mountains. My favorite place on earth! This is where, 7 years ago, the Lord spoke a mighty word to me and released me of a stronghold that had been burdening my heart for years. You could say I had a mountaintop moment on a mountaintop. Each year when I land in Denver, and I see those mountains in the distance... it's like coming home!
The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. ~ Psalm 18:2
I chose this verse to go w/ the photo... because on the great rock (rockies) the Lord delivered me! I pray today that if you are being held captive by a stronghold... that you can have a mountaintop moment - and it doesn't have to be on a mountaintop - it can be in the quiet of your room, on a busy street, at the kitchen table... God can deliver you right where you are. Trust Him. Ask Him... and believe Him. He will do it. Turn it over, let it go...
That is SO fantastic how it fits the words perfectly.
Mountains are always the perfect images for how steady and strong our Heavenly Father is.
WOW! LOVE IT! My first time here! The verse and pic go so perfectly together!
I loved reading your post about it!!
It's nice to meetcha!!
I'm going to poke around a bit more!;)
Beautiful. The photo, the verse and your testimony! Blessings...
Beautiful picture and verse! I also love the mountains and the glory and splendor of God's creation. What a powerful verse and visual reminder of God's greatness.
This is a verse I needed to be reminded of this week. Thank you!
I had to find our Rock this morning as I wrote my latest post! The enemy sure tried his best, but he didn't. I've had to walk the talk for the past 6 hours, but finally, VICTORY. Praise the ROCK from whom I've been cut.
Beautiful picture! ~elaine
So very beautiful, God is awesome.
Awesome verse and beautiful picture! The Rockies are one of my favorite places too--I've never been there when there's snow though. I've only been camping in the summer (too many times to count). Maybe someday I'll get to go on a ski trip! :)
What a beautiful image and encouraging scripture! How awesome that it has such personal significance to your own faith walk, as well. Thanks for sharing!
Tracy = )
What a great testimony, and what a great picture to depict it! Thanks for sharing your story, our God is AWESOME, just like those magnificent mountains!
Hi Kristen,
WOW! I love the new look! Good for you! Playing with the different designs can get addictive.
The words you left on my site today were so encouraging, THANK YOU. It was hard for me to write that post, as it brought back a lot of ugly memories, but I am finally able to face some things that have kept me in bondage for a long time...
Also, the pictures of the mountains is lovely. We haven't been in years and I miss seeing their breathtaking beauty.
Have a wonderful Wednesday and I will "see ya soon".
Great post and very encouraging.
Great Picture and Verse.
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog with the awesome words to that song. It really "hit" the spot. I must say... as soon as I saw your picture with your bib overalls on, I thought, "now, this is a girl that I can identify with".
Thanks again, Lynn
a great post! not sure how I missed it!!! I'm glad you've joined WFW! :)
God Bless.
What a great reminder of God's work in your life! One of my favorite lines is LIG (Let it Go!)
Blessings on you!
Beautiful post and nice job on your blog makeover.(I didn't see it before, but what you have now is lovely!)
Thanks for stopping by my blog today.I appreciate your kind thoughts and words. Thank you for sharing them with me.
God is amazing indeed!:)
I am so looking forward to that gondala ride. I hope to be able to capture a picture of that same spot in the painting. (Or as I like to call it now, my painting!) :)
Thanks again and God Bless,
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