This past Friday, my sister's horse Halle gave birth to her first foal - a filly - whose name is now Pippi (she has two long white socks on her back legs - remember Pippi Longstocking?)
As I marvelled at this lovely creature, who only 12 hours before, was still comfortable in her mother's womb, and was now standing, nursing and nuzzling us with her soft, velvelty nose. I couldn't help but be overwhelmed with our Lord and His creation! What a delight! I couldn't get enough of her - I spent the whole day at the barn just soaking up His love!
I pray dear sisters, that each day you recognize the delights the Lord gives you. They might be more subtle than the birth of a foal, but recognize the gifts. Thank and praise Him for delights! Ask Him to delight you! It could just be a butterfly fluttering around a flower, a sunrise or sunset, a rabbit bounding through the yard... delight in them and delight in Him. He is our ultimate delight and He delights in us.
I would have loved to see that birth. i have never seen any animal in birth.............except my own kids births. and yes, i was the animal during the births!!!
thanks for visiting my blog... did you know we are not that far from each other. I am about 1 hour from Evansville.
have a great week!
What a great way to spend the day, marveling in God's creation!
Last night there was an amazing full moon that lit up the whole sky and everything around it.
Once again....God is so Good!
Awww, so cute!
Yes about Believing God! I am there girl, I have them a memorized...(I figured I needed to make sure to take it all seriously since I am leading the group!)
Anyway, it has been great! Tomorrow morning I get to lead it again in my neighborhood study...GOD IS GOOD!
He never ceases to amaze me! I'm so honored to be loved by Him... and experience His beauty!
Thank you for the sweet reminder!
Angie xoxo
Hi Kristen! I tried to comment yesterday, but I was in a hurry and I never waited to see if it said "comment saved until blog owner approval" at the top. I know I have had some technical difficulties with this on the LPM blog, so if you are hearing from me twice sorry. I wanted to thank you for posting on my blog. You really made my day. I had been really praying that God would allow me to connect with the people that He wanted me to in this blog world, and I really didn't expect any comments yet. So when I went to my blog and their you were it was really an answer to prayer! The funny thing is I have been to your blog before. I think your name must have caught my eye on the LPM blog, but that was back in my lurking days. I thought it was funny that your sister's horse is named Halle which is one of my daughters names. My husband also grew up in Indianapolis until he was 12 when they moved to CA (1978). His dad was the pastor at Woodland Baptist Church.
Thanks for the reminder to stop and see the gifts around us. I have really been trying to focus on that lately and appreciate all the little things that God is in during my day. It is fun to see that you are, too! Have a blessed day ~ Kristin
What a great post...and so true. Thanks for the reminder. Loved seeing the photos!
Thanks also for stopping by my blog and leaving your sweet comment. Come back again anytime...you're always welcome.
Well that is just too cool!! I have seen kittens born but a horse might just be too much! The Creator of the Universe is truly amazing. How I love Him.
Have a blessed weekend!
I've gotten to experience this a couple times through friends- it is the coolest thing ever!!
I love how the baby imprints it's Mom by the sounds she makes, so sweet.
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